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Welcome to our newsletter, the ultimate source for those who are looking for opportunities to move overseas. Every week, we'll send you a curated list of the latest job openings, internships, volunteer positions, and other opportunities to help you find your dream job overseas.

Our founder, Elyse Y. Robinson, is a fearless adventurer who knows firsthand the challenges and rewards of moving abroad. After losing her mother to blood cancer, Elyse left America to mourn her mother in Mexico and decided to stay. She has since traveled extensively throughout Mexico, Guatemala, and China, embracing new cultures, and sharing her insights with others who dream of making a new life overseas.

At our newsletter, we're committed to providing you with the most up-to-date information and resources to help you make the leap to living and working overseas. Whether you're looking for a change of scenery, a new career path, or simply a new adventure, our weekly newsletter is your passport to a world of possibilities.

Join our community of like-minded individuals today and start exploring the world with us. With our newsletter, the possibilities are endless!

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Let's chase our wildest dreams in a foreign land! Immerse in new cultures, explore breathtaking vistas & create unforgettable memories! The adventure of a lifetime is calling - will you answer? Let's go live our new life abroad!


Elyse Y. Robinson is the Founder of Switch Into Tech where she does monthly seminars, posts weekly freebies to switch into tech, a Microsoft Certified Trainer, and in love with Mexico.